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Course Descriptions


English 102 and Communication 101 are prerequisites for all upper-division courses.

MKT 301 Principles of Marketing (3)

This course addresses the broad and diverse nature of the marketing function in organizations. The terminology that marketers use is covered, as well as the theories, models, and research activities that guide marketing decision making. The challenge of understanding consumer behavior is introduced. Various trends in the environment that affect marketing are examined. For non-majors, this course provides a solid foundation of marketing knowledge for any businessperson. For students majoring in marketing, this course is the prerequisite for all other marketing courses. Offered every semester. Service-Learning.

MKT 431 Integrated Marketing Communication (3)

Public relations and advertising promotions as integrated marketing communications. Topics include theory, budgeting, communication, media forms, creativity, coordination and evaluation of campaigns. Cross-listed with COM 431. Offered fall semester. Prerequisites: COM 200, COM 375, BU 200 and MKT 301 or permission of instructor.

MKT 432 Sales and Customer Relationships (3)

Study of basic principles of selling and sales management and their application to specific cases. Topics include sales planning; sales personnel selection, training and motivation; sales force management and compensation. Offered annually. Prerequisite: MKT 301.

MKT 436 Marketing Globally (3)

This course revisits basic marketing principles, considering the context of the global marketplace rather than domestic markets. Central issues and controversies surrounding global marketing will be discussed, as well as the adjustments that need to be made to the basic marketing tools, methods, and approaches to accommodate the expanded scope of serving global markets. The familiar principles of marketing are studied in the context of global markets, using real world case studies to highlight the unique opportunities and challenges of going global. Special attention is given to an understanding of cultural differences and how they affect marketing strategy. Prerequisite: MKT 301.

MKT 437/L Consumer Research (3/1)

Students learning the purpose of consumer research and how to implement a market research project. The class explores traditional types of research designs, as well as newer ethno-graphic approaches to both quantitative and qualitative research. Ethical issues related to the practice of consumer research are also covered. Cross-listed with COM 437/L. Offered Fall semester. Prerequisite: MKT 301.

MKT 440 Marketing Strategy (3)

This course addresses the organization and coordination of the total marketing program, including the marketing mix elements, market research, market segmentation and positioning in a case analysis format. Students will understand the interrelationships among all elements of marketing critical to strategic decision-making. Students develop a strategic marketing plan for a real organization, providing hands-on experience with the process. Cross-listed with COM 440. Offered spring semester. Prerequisites: MKT 301, MKT 437/MKT 437L and senior standing.